15 seconds of VAEM
Use the following guide to quickly set up an asset manager instance.
Use Docker compose for starting up a local instance of the asset manager:
# copy the main repository
git clone https://github.com/vaem-org/vaem.git
cd vaem
# copy the example dotenv file
cp .env.example .env
For a productional environment you should modify the SIGNATURE_SECRET and JWT_SECRET with random data. For the BASE variable please use an actual ip address and not localhost or anything that resolves to localhost. You can change the password in the AUTH_URL variable after local://
You can use Amazon S3 and Cloudfront for storage and CDN. For user authentication it is possible to use Google Sign-In these will be explained on their respective chapters.
Once you have modified the .env file, you can start the application with:
docker-compose up -d
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/ and login with the password admin (or the password you have used in the previous step).